How to get prospects to call you back

If no one’s returning your calls, you must be cold calling.
I see you. I know who’s calling. If I don’t recognize the name or number on my screen, I won’t answer. I’ll wait for you to leave a message, but you won’t. No one leaves a message when they’re just cold calling a list. They’re expecting someone to pick up the phone and actually listen.
Reality check: Cold calling success rates are dismal.
Put in a Little Effort
Sometimes I actually invite a call. Recently I filled out a form on a website for one of my prospects and requested a demo. I made it clear that my company is small, but said I was interested in learning more than what was on their site.
The next day I received a call at 7:45 a.m. The already indicated the person hadn’t bothered to check that a 415 area code is Pacific Time.
This guy did actually leave a voicemail, and it was so lame that I wrote down every word, intending to ultimately share it with his employer.
“Hi, this is (Name) from (Company). I ‘m calling regarding your interest in our system. If you have the time, I can be reached at (Phone Number). I’m more than willing to help you out.”
Not only was this impersonal and a little presumptuous (he’s willing to help me out?), but he never addressed my request, which was for a demo. I never heard from him again, and this company lost a potential customer.
Get the Call-Back Every Time
It’s not a sales secret; when you prospect through referrals, you’ll always connect.
Here’s how a referral introduction works:
- You ask a colleague or client (your Referral Source) to introduce you to a prospect with whom that person has a trusted relationship
- Your Referral Source talks to (or emails) your prospect and gets agreement to meet with you
- Your Referral Source introduces the two of you—on the phone, by email, or in person
- You thank your Referral Source and schedule a time to meet with your prospect
- You call your sales prospect, and he answers the phone (or at least calls you back) because he actually expects your call
What Are You Waiting For?
With referral-based selling, you’ll get the meeting at the level that counts and convert more than 50 percent of your sales prospects into great clients!
And you’ll never again have to ask the question: How will I get my prospects to call me back?