Rick Lepsinger

Interviews with Rick Lepsinger RSS Feed

Are you a good storytelling leader? Rick Lepsinger joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the role that storytelling plays in being an effective inspirational leader, especially in the 21st century.
Use rational persuasion to influence others. Rick Lepsinger joins Jim Blasingame to propose rational persuasion - the use of facts and logic - as a influencing communication tactic.
Can you use inspiration to influence others? Rick Lepsinger joins Jim Blasingame to discuss ways to gain the necessary influence with others by using inspiration and values-based ideas.
How good are you at banking goodwill with others? Rick Lepsinger joins Jim Blasingame to encourage gaining influence with others by banking goodwill in advance of when you need their help.
More and more, the execution of your business model will include some virtual team members. Rick Lepsinger joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the definition, evolution, and current state of the virtual team.
Do you know how to manage a virtual team? Rick Lepsinger joins Jim Blasingame to explain how a virtual team works when its properly managed, plus what it looks like when it doesn't work.
What does it take to have a successful virtual team? Rick Lepsinger joins Jim Blasingame to reveal what the best virtual teams do that make them successful.
Use influence communication tactics to advance your ideas. Rick Lepsinger joins Jim Blasingame to identify the four most prominent influencing tactics, including rational persuasion, that will help you gain commitment from others.
Use inspiration and consultation to influence others. Rick Lepsinger joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to gain commitment through the influencing tactics of inspiration appeal and consultation.
Are women better at using influencing tactics than men? Rick Lepsinger joins Jim Blasingame to discuss how to gain commitment through collaboration, plus how the genders use commitment tactics differently.