John Dini

Interviews with John Dini RSS Feed

How does a small business produce a return on investment with a social media strategy? John Dini and Jim Blasingame talk about the opportunities and challenges involved as a small business incorporates a social media strategy into its overall marketing plan.
In a recent survey of small business market thought-leaders, John Dini discovered some key recession survival information and he joins Jim Blasingame to talk about what he learned.
At a time when cash management is the key to survival, how does a small business balance this requirement with their prime directive, producing profits? John Dini joins Jim Blasingame to give offer tips and best practices on how to achieve this balance.
What do small businesses have in front of them in the months ahead? John Dini talks with Jim Blasingame about some of the issues facing small businesses, including some of the ugly reality, but also a reminder of some of the positive elements that we can use to build a recovery.
What do you know about doing business with the younger generations? John and Jim -- both baby boomers -- talk about what motivates the Gen X and Gen Y folks, including what it will take to sell your business to them. <br></["br"]>
What does the future look like for baby boomer business owners when they're ready to sell? John and Jim talk about some of the issues that are going to be in play, and all of them aren't favorable.
If information is the most important things small business owners need to acquire, how do they do that? John and Jim talk about getting the right information from the right people, including professional advisers.
Will Baby Boomers be able to sell their businesses in the next 5 to 10 years? John talks with Jim about the impact of the generational waves on Boomers' exit strategies.
John and Allen talk with Jim about some of the secrets that entrepreneurial masters know.
John and Jim talk about the dangers of waiting too long to increase prices and then increasing them too much. They also talk about what not realizing the maximum pricing power can do to the ultimate value of your business when you decide to divest.