Jim Blasingame

Interviews with Jim Blasingame RSS Feed

Jim Blasingame talks about how to take advantage of the resources he makes available for free to help small business owners come into The Age of the Customer.
Jim Blasingame talks about how to balance using the power and productivity of cloud computing with getting in face-to-face with customers when the time is right.
Jim Blasingame to report on recent polling of small business that indicates the 2014 economy is not performing as well as had been projected at the beginning of the year.
Jim Blasingame talks about the value of demonstrating your authentic voice to customers in your online strategy in articles and multi-media video and audio.
Jim Blasingame reminds you of his self-appointed title as Social Media Heretic, as he again recommends that you execute a social media strategy using the large platforms, while encouraging you to never trust them with your communities.
Jim Blasingame compares the commitment and sacrifice make by both Olympic athletes and small business owners as they seek success knowing that they may never get a gold medal.
Jim Blasingame reports on a poll that shows small business owners do not agree with the Obama administration that climate change is settled science.
Why is in-person contact still so powerful? Jim Blasingame to remind you that social media options for businesses do not replace the need for face-to-face contact.
Your website is less of a destination and more of a distribution center. Jim Blasingame reveals how to follow customers home, with permission, and why this practice is no longer an option in the Age of the Customer.
You don't own your brand message completely. Jim Blasingame reveals why every business has to execute their brand message because there is no place to hide in The Age of the Customer.