Jim Blasingame

Interviews with Jim Blasingame RSS Feed

Jim Blasingame reports on several economic indicators that show an economic disparity between Wall Street/Corporate America and Main Street small businesses.
Jim Blasingame reveals recent poll response that shows half of small businesses don’t have a social media marketing strategy, and why that’s a pathway to extinction.
Jim Blasingame reminds you that every person, business and product in the marketplace has a brand image. The question is who is defining your brand: you or someone else?
Jim Blasingame tells the story about how a revolutionary did not believe that discretion was the better part of valor and attacked, and how that model is a good one for modern entrepreneurs.
Jim Blasingame reports on a recent survey and talks about why business owners should look inward to the origins of more of our challenges than we may think.
Jim Blasingame reveals several reasons why small businesses must become ready to accept mobile customers or prepare for extinction.
Jim Blasingame reports on a recent poll showing 84% of small business owners think the federal government is more of a problem for them than a help.
Small Business Advocate Jim Blasingame reveals his thoughts on why a consumption tax, like a value-added tax or the Fair Tax, are bad ideas to address income tax reform.
Small Business Advocate Jim Blasingame reveals two ways the Obama administration is hurting the Internet by turning it into a utility and by putting ultimate governance in the hands of an international body like the UN.
Jim Blasingame tells a story about how he learned what the number one most effective gold mining tool is in selling and how he learned that lesson the hard way.