Higher Tech (Part III)

Daniel Burrus

During the past two months, I have shared stories about organizations and people I have worked with or observed while they were at work. I found that what they all have in common is a mistake: They mistake technology-driven changes as problems – problems that in most cases are actually people-powered opportunities in disguise.

The new rules I’ve discussed in this three-part series combine genetic material from the technological revolution with the strongest strands of human DNA: Curiosity, Creativity, Courage and Integrity. As we witness the introduction of new tools, such as the 3-D Web, ultra-intelligent electronic agents, video-sampling, advanced noise cancellation and many others, it is imperative that we not lose sight of the reality that creating new rules to maximize the use of the new tools is the central part of the package. If not, a technology-driven change can turn into an undisguised menace.

Moving to Solutions

A quarter of a century ago, many of the high-tech tools that now shape our lives were still works in progress. Back then an important part of my job was to function, as I put it at the time, as a “technology bumble-bee,” cross-pollinating industries and institutions with both an awareness of the tools and an understanding of how to apply them creatively to solve problems and create new advantages.

I persuaded people and organizations that they couldn’t run and shouldn’t hide from the new tools. I traveled the world – as I still do – speaking, writing and teaching audiences how to use these new tools to shape a positive future.

Early on, the tech revolution was spotty and incomplete. Computer processing power was relatively sluggish, broadband was narrow, and the World Wide Web came with training wheels. I had to fill in the blanks to convince my clients and audiences to give tech a chance.

Today, the hard sell is no longer necessary. In fact, I now find that there’s an urgent need to back off a little. Success for organizations and individuals grows out of achieving significant competitive advantages. Just keeping up with the other guy isn’t enough!

The blind pursuit of technology could do’s is the equivalent of a runaway arms race – ruinously expensive and extremely dangerous. Instead of providing significant competitive advantage, technology could do’s end up turning tech into a commodity and, thereby, escalating a rush toward disruption and instability. A tech-obsessed “shop till you drop” mentality serves no one. By continuing to go after the should do’s and the must do’s of Higher Tech, we’ll arrive at a blessing that’s no longer in disguise.

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Daniel Burrus, one of the world's leading technology forecasters, business strategists, and author of six books
Copyright 2004 Author retains copyright. All Rights Reserved.

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