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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Kenneth Davis
Kenneth Davis joins Jim Blasingame to discuss his new book which connects the first World War with the Spanish flu pandemic, which were both coincidental and symbiotic.
Kenneth Davis
Kenneth Davis joins Jim Blasingame to discuss his new book that shows the impact of a viral flu outbreak that killed millions worldwide and a more regional World War that was happening at the same time.
Cliff Ennico
Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to report on the EUs Global Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) laws and what the percentages are that your small business could be impacted.
Cliff Ennico
Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to discuss that the reasons humans are so anxious about technology today is because we haven’t figured out how to establish digital ethics.
Cliff Ennico
Cliff Ennico joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why it will take devotion to a digital technology, like blockchain, by analog humans to accomplish digital ethics that can be trusted.
Jane Pollak
Jane Pollak joins Jim Blasingame to reveal her method for helping an entire industry of participants grow more invested in themselves and each other.
Jane Pollak
Jane Pollak joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how using the power of confidential mastermind groups within an industry can create a higher level of professional engagement.
Ivan Misner
Ivan Misner joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how becoming complacent with being good enough will never get you to the level of becoming great.
Ivan Misner
Ivan Misner joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the power of achieving professional greatness actually makes sustaining success easier than merely being good.
Ivan Misner
Ivan Misner joins Jim Blasingame to reveal some of the ways to get yourself out of a professional rut and on a path to greatness, including becoming a life-long-learner.

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