Interviews RSS Feed

Category: Technology, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency

Fay Cobb Payton
Fay Cobb Payton joins Jim Blasingame to talk about research that shows minorities and women are under-represented in the technology industry, and what could be the causes.
Bill DeSmedt
Bill DeSmedt joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the future of artificial intelligence, from the perspective of how we innovate, improve and apply AI, while insuring humans maintain control.
Bill DeSmedt
Bill DeSmedt joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the future of artificial intelligence, AI, and discuss some of the ethical issues that must be included in future applications.
Bill DeSmedt
Bill DeSmedt joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the definition of AI - artificial intelligence - including the history, how we use it today, and how we will use it in the future.
Bob Kustka
Bob Kustka joins Jim Blasingame to talk about the new skill requirements even traditional jobs are now requiring and how older job seekers have to be prepared to know them.
Stijn Hendrikse
Art Saxby
Art Saxby and Stijn Hendrikse join Jim Blasingame to reveal the first questions an experienced Chief Marketing Officer would ask and how you should answer.
Jack Mitchell
Jack Mitchell joins Jim Blasingame to talk about his philosophy of “hugging” customers with extraordinary service so they don’t want to go anywhere else.
Jay Myers
Jay Myers joins Jim Blasingame to report on the current condition and disruptors that are impacting small businesses in the video conferencing industry.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on two applications of nanotechnology that create advancements in medicine and steel.
Joel Barker
Joel Barker joins Jim Blasingame to report on how one husband used a 3-D printer to help doctors operate successfully on his wife and remove a tumor from behind her eye.

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