
Jeff Zbar
Jeff Zbar joins Jim Blasingame to report from his 31-year perspective on how the coronavirus has required millions to work from home, and what he’s learned about how to be productive in that work environment.
Faith Whittier
Dr. Faith Whittier joins Jim Blasingame to report on the pandemic lessons learned and new expectations about how to deal with a pandemic, and how we will incorporate blockchain technology to answer some of those questions.
Faith Whittier
Dr. Faith Whittier joins Jim Blasingame to report on the debate about hydroxychloroquine regime of COVID-19 treatment, and how each application must be taken with caution, especially with patients who can't tolerate the side-effects.
Faith Whittier
Dr. Faith Whittier joins Jim Blasingame to report from her medical perspective on how the COVID-19 disease is different from any other pneumonia/respiratory condition we’ve ever experienced.
Stephen Kuhl
Stephen Kuhl joins Jim Blasingame to report from the Western Union perspective of how the pandemic experience will increase the value of transparency and speed of international funds transfers in the future.
Stephen Kuhl
Stephen Kuhl joins Jim Blasingame to provide a Western Union report on how the local bank industry and some credit unions are being leaders as funders of the Paycheck Protection Program for small businesses during the pandemic emergency period.
Gary Pittsford
Gary Pittsford joins Jim Blasingame to report on how to behave during the pandemic with investments, from your private account to your retirement funds.
Gary Pittsford
Gary Pittsford joins Jim Blasingame to report on the various industries his firm serves, including agriculture and home products, and how they’re handling the pandemic shutdown.
Gary Pittsford
Gary Pittsford joins Jim Blasingame to report on what his clients are telling him regarding their ability to stay in business during the pandemic shutdown, and how they will blend organic resources with the government PPP.
Karen Kerrigan
Karen Kerrigan joins Jim Blasingame to report on the financial strength of the small business sector, and how they will blend the Paycheck Protection Program funds to make payroll and stay in business.

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