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Your search "Joanne Black" in "Interviews" yielded 87 results:

Joanne Black
Do you have an effective pitch to get and close referrals? Joanne Black joins Jim Blasingame with tips and communication techniques to get more referrals and then close them.
Joanne Black
How many personal pronouns do you use on sales calls? Joanne Black joins Jim Blasingame to encourage you to talk about the customer you're in front of, or refer to one you've helped, but lose the "I, me my, we, our" act. Self-reference is not a good sales strategy .
Joanne Black
What is the subject and content of your sales pitch? Joanne Black joins Jim Blasingame to encourage you to use probing techniques in conversations with prospects and customers that discover what they have on their minds, not what you have to sell.
Joanne Black
Don't leave out the power of the person in social media networking. Joanne Black joins Jim Blasingame to manage social media networking activity as you would a face-to-face relationship.
Joanne Black
High tech and high touch - people still do business with people. Joanne Black joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why it's important to personalize your LinkedIn profile and the way you connect with people, especially for referrals.
Joanne Black
Are you using LinkIn to get referrals? Joanne Black joins Jim Blasingame to reveal at least three things to NEVER do when you're seeking referrals on LinkedIn.
Joanne Black
How can doing your homework lead to more sales? Joanne Black joins Jim Blasingame to reveal how doing research on a prospect will help you eliminate the need to be self-referential when you're making that first impression.
Joanne Black
When is it okay to use "I, me, and my" on a sales call? Joanne Black joins Jim Blasingame to discuss the dangers of using personal pronouns on a sales call, unless you know how to use them correctly.
Joanne Black
How much self-reference do you make when calling on a new prospect? Joanne Black joins Jim Blasingame to encourage you to focus on the customer, not yourself, or your company, when talking to prospects.
Joanne Black
How can you better make connections through referrals? Joanne Black joins Jim Blasingame to reveal that making referrals can actually improve relationships on both ends of the referral.