Keep Your Customers Close To Your Heart

Andrea Nierenberg Every time we close a sale, we give our competitors another solid sales lead. Why? Because when competitors learn that you got the order, they'll pursue your customer for the next buying cycle.

While interacting with salespeople at my seminars, many have shared the "tools" they use to keep their customers. Here are some key tactics salespeople use so customers remain loyal and happy:

1. Know your customers. People like talking to people they know. During sales calls find out their hobbies, names of family members, their likes and dislikes, and their birthday. Keep good records on all this information, and use it to make them into friends that you care about.

2. Contact them regularly, even if it's just to say hello. Think of reasons to call customers with information or ideas, just to stay in contact with them. Remember you're building relationships.

3. Handle complaints quickly. Take responsibility for problems, no matter who or what was the cause. If you let the "wound" fester, your competitor might come along with a cure. Let customers know that you are their consultant and helper. It's like the marriage vow -- for better and for worse.

4. Prove you're dependable. Make promises and keep them. Customers love to hear these magic sentences, "I'll take care of that for you," "I take full responsibility," "Consider it done."

5. Serve, serve, and serve some more. Put your customers' needs ahead of yours. For example, when your customers rely on your product or service after normal business hours, it might be wise to give them your home phone number. It's like giving customers an insurance policy. They probably won't use it, however it gives them peace of mind knowing they have it.

6. Show your appreciation. Often, after we close an important deal, we run to our sales manager and brag as if we just won the Super Bowl. At the same time, you might let your customers know how much their business means to you. Use what your know is important to your customer and send them a note, or even a gift. This will demonstrate that this is a special sale for you.

7. Be timely with follow up calls. There's little excuse with today's technology. Leave a voice-mail, send an E-mail, or write a note and fax it. What's important is that your customers know that you make an effort to contact them as soon as possible. Even when you're out of town or vacation, set up a backup system to assure your customers that service never stops.

8. Have enthusiasm. And remember the last four letters in enthusiasm are "I.A.S.M." : I Am Sold Myself! However, we are all human. There could be a time when something drags you down, perhaps a cold, or your car got four flat tires. Consider briefly sharing with your customers that you might be having an "off" day. However, still keep up the enthusiasm!

9. Think before speaking. Remember that selling is done both with the head and the heart. Keep other people's feelings in mind. For example, maybe your customer's company had a difficult year. Find out how that might impact their buying pattern, instead of only thinking about how you're going to increase the order. When you want customers "for life" your sensitivity to their needs will make a world of difference.

You've worked hard to gain the customers you have. Now make sure to use every tool and technique possible to build a fence around them to keep your competitors out.

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Category: Customer Care
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