What Is Your Prime Goal as a Small Business Owner?

What's your prime directive as a business owner -- what is it that you want to accomplish?  When you answer that question, then you have to answer an even bigger one:  What will you have to do to realize that goal?

The pursuit of our entrepreneurial goals is usually met with resistance on many fronts.  Some of the obstacles are fundamental, including: Acquiring enough experience; enough education; enough training; and enough capital.
Then there are the mind-game challenges that are laid on us by others:  "That's not how it's done." "That won't work." "No one's ever done that before." Or, "Why do you think you can do that?" Sadly, sometimes we even tie these millstones around our own necks.
When you feel like your dream is being swept away by strong current in a river of obstacles, here's a little motivational thought:  Swimming upstream can be tough, but remember, even a dead fish can float downstream.