The Age of The Customer®

Advice, information and training in the field of economics, business operations and business management.

THE AGE OF THE CUSTOMER® is a fundamental belief system originating with Jim Blasingame.

THE AGE OF THE CUSTOMER® is a line of products and services offered by Jim including a series of books, written articles and publications, and educational materials; advisory services; and consulting/training all in the field of Economics, Business Operations and Business Management.

Please browse the following selection of THE AGE OF THE CUSTOMER® educational audio products to learn more about Jim’s motivational beliefs, products, and services concerning small business economics and operations; including Jim's exclusive series of THE AGE OF THE CUSTOMER® shows.

Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals why your small business has brand power without having an expensive and sexy media campaign.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals the results of a poll about what small business owners think about the money they pay in income taxes and why it’s similar to any investment.
Brian Doherty
Brian Doherty joins Jim Blasingame to reveal the original purpose of social security and how that definition has evolved over the years, plus how it will fit into your retirement.
Jim Ballard
Jim Ballard joins Jim Blasingame to talk about why you should take ownership of the stories your customers want to hear.
Jim Ballard
Jim Ballard joins Jim Blasingame to reveal why you need to know the difference between info-mind and story-mind.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame explains how the concept of values has grown to be more important to customers than value.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals the four kinds – including two new ones – that have the ability to impact your business reputation, good or bad.
Jim Blasingame
Jim Blasingame reveals how being competitive is still important, but that prospects are ruling you in or out at the relevance level, before they know if your competitive.
Bill Schley
Bill Schley joins Jim Blasingame to remind you that the special way you can make customers feel will outweigh the advantages of big competitors.
Bill Schley
Bill Schley joins Jim Blasingame to remind you that even though the velocity of change has increased, our customers are still the same humans they always were.