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Jim Blasingame
The anxiety every small business owner is justified in having right now, betrays an essential entrepreneurial trait: pathological optimism. That's why "surviving is winning” is a fundamental attitu... » More
Jim Blasingame
Abraham Lincoln, like small business owners, was a risk-taker who has inspired generations as an example of courage, character, and diligence to persevere. Read on for more about how his determinat... » More
Jim Blasingame
Small business customers - like the electorate - have evolving expectations. In the 21st century, politicians and businesses can fall in love with what they do, but not how they do it. Here's why. » More
Jim Blasingame
Instead of making New Year's resolutions that may not stick, why don't you cut your business some SLACC, a Strategic Look At Critical Components, which contain the three elements essential for effe... » More
Jim Blasingame
Small business owners and entrepreneurs are different. They're all in - against all odds - and wouldn't have it any other way. Here's why. » More
Jim Blasingame
Growing up on a farm provided many valuable lessons that have transferred beautifully to my life in the non-farming marketplace. Here are four of those timeless lessons. » More
Jim Blasingame
As the Founder of your small business, you were likely the first to do every task. But your business can’t grow until you become a delegator, and you can’t delegate until you stop chasing the illus... » More
Jim Blasingame
The 18th-century Irish philosopher, Edmund Burke said, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." In a post-9-11 world, there is no greater army of good people than ... » More
Jim Blasingame
Entrepreneurs unite! As the signers of the front of paychecks, it's time we had a day to honor small business owners. » More
Jim Blasingame
Small business ownership has privileges that are real and compelling. Are you taking advantage of these benefits? » More